immune system

More Magnesium Malate Benefits – Promotes a Good Mood!!

Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of all our hormones, including Serotonin and Dopamine which are responsible for making us feel good. Without it, we would be incapable of feeling happy! Research on humans has shown that magnesium is safe and potentially capable of boosting a person’s mood. This is particularly the case if we […]

immune system

Some Medical Experts Say Vitamin D Deficiency Can Increase Dangers from COVID-19

Vitamin D is known for its essential role in human health but now medical experts are studying the ways it can help slow the spread of COVID-19. Multiple studies have been conducted to examine the vitamin D level in COVID-19 patients and the impact it has on disease severity. One study in the journal Nature states, […]

immune system

What? Energy with Magnesium? Depends on what type!!

With so many different magnesiums out there, how do you know which one to choose? Well, magnesium malate is my preference, because it is the only one where you will get a boost of energy the next day because it contains malate or malic acid, which is a cofactor in the Krebs cycle! Improves Energy […]

immune system

Want GOOD SLEEP and a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM? Magnesium Malate is the answer!

A Blissful Night’s Slumber If you are lacking in dietary magnesium, you may find yourself in for restless nights as well as having a hard time getting up in the morning. That is because magnesium is required for the cellular production of melatonin – the “sleep hormone.” In theory, supplementing magnesium can help to enhance […]

immune system

Benefits of Shiitake Mushrooms

Traditional & Modern Uses Shiitake is one of the pearls of traditional Chinese medicine. Other eastern countries, such as Japan, Korea, and Russa, have also used it as a natural remedy for ages. Folks mostly take it to boost immunity, longevity, circulation, and liver health. This mushroom is popular in modern medicine, alike. Scientists are […]

immune system

Did you know that Zinc will help protect you against flus, viruses and bacteria??

Researchers from Spain found that people with lower blood levels of zinc who were admitted to hospital with Covid-19 tended to fare worse than those with healthier levels. A laboratory study in 2010 showed that zinc inhibited the activity and replication of another coronavirus, SARS-CoV which caused an outbreak in 2002. Zinc has been shown […]

immune system

Boost Your Immune System to Combat the Coronavirus and Other Germs!

Overcoming any virus, flu, bacterial infection or coronavirus begins by understanding your immune system is different from your neighbor, sibling and or spouse.  This is important because your immune system is what is going to keep the infectious germs from setting up shop and making you sick, and instead look for a more susceptible person […]

immune system

8 Tips to Boost Your Immune System!!

You might be sabotaging your immune system without even knowing it!! Many common lifestyle habits can have a negative effect on the health of your immune system.  A poor immune system can leave you more vulnerable to illnesses like the common cold and the flu, and even contribute to the development of cancer and other […]

immune system

Foods and Eating Habits that Will Help Boost Your Immune System

You depend on your immune system to fight off foreign substances that could make you sick and help you recover if any of them slip through. A healthy lifestyle strengthens your body’s defense network so you catch fewer colds and reduce your risk for many serious health conditions. Try these natural methods to boost your immune system […]

immune system

Hi! My name is Elaine, your personal immune specialist!

Hi! My name is Elaine Kollar, Certified Nutrition Consultant with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Having over 12 years of experience consulting many integrative doctors and patients in Southern California, I have loved to help patients feel the best they could with boosting their immune system. I wanted people to […]